Solutionary: Effective Monitoring of the Complete Security Lifecycle

Solutionary: Effective Monitoring of the Complete Security Lifecycle

Steve Idelman, Co-founder, Chairman & CEO, SolutionarySteve Idelman, Co-founder, Chairman & CEO
With every turn of the turbine and twist of the drill, energy generation has remained relatively consistent for the last ten decades. Today, catering to the increased energy demands, and changing consumer expectations, the energy industry is evolving its business models and grappling with potential security lapses which could result in outages that can have cascading effects with enormous direct and indirect costs. Varying widely in nature and scope, some security incidents are physical attacks on infrastructure, while others are cyber attacks that target computer systems and networks and others which disrupt or damage national critical infrastructures. There are several strategies that these energy and utilities companies can deploy to secure their IT infrastructure, including physical and perimeter security, as well as greater investment in authentication, device and endpoint security, and monitoring. Solutionary, a provider of Managed Security Services (MSS) and Professional Security Services (PSS) assists energy and utility organizations cost-effectively protect critical cyber assets, and comply with The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), which maintains cyber security standards for Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP). “We work towards reducing the information security and compliance burden, delivering flexible managed security services that align with client goals, improving our clients existing security program, infrastructure and personnel,” notes Steve Idelman, Co-founder and CEO, Solutionary.

Having a combination of security expertise, advanced technology, and a client-first approach, Solutionary provides clients with cyber security solutions to address their complete security lifecycle from planning and policy development, security and compliance assessments, continuous monitoring, threat intelligence and incident response. Along with their experienced security professionals, actionable threat intelligence, and the ActiveGuard service platform, Soltuionary provides expert security and compliance management. The patented, cloud-based ActiveGuard service platform is the technology behind Solutionary’s MSS.

The ActiveGuard Security and Compliance Platform is designed to detect configuration failures and anomalous network traffic from the ground up

The ActiveGuard Security and Compliance Platform is designed to detect configuration failures and anomalous network traffic that the energy and utility firms are facing from the ground up. The platform is able to accurately collect, analyze and correlate vast amounts of data from virtually any application or device capable of producing a log file, including security appliances, network devices, mainframes and endpoints. It also enriches gathered security data with a variety of contextual information such as vulnerabilities, assets, GeoIP, malicious hosts, privileged and non-privileged users to detect threats and increase accuracy. “Leveraging the platform, our utility customers can get complete visibility of their Solutionary services as well as security and compliance reporting through the ActiveGuard portal,” elucidates Idelman. With a powerful cross-correlation and event-handling capabilities to recognize threats and reduce false positives, ActiveGuard makes security more operationally efficient.

Furthermore, the security experts in the Solutionary Security Operations Center (SOC) provide additional analysis, validation and response for all the security threats existing in the utility space. The advanced analytics in ActiveGuard, in combination with threat intelligence from the Security Engineering Research Team (SERT), help to detect advanced threats and zero-day attacks. Solutionary is able to leverage intelligence across thousands of clients to detect and respond to advanced and emerging threats faster than clients’ internal teams are otherwise capable. “The ActiveGuard Security and Compliance platform further focuses to help our customers across several industries— energy and utility, financial, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail to make contextualized, ‘smart’ security decisions,” articulates Idelman.

Solutionary, in the years to come, will continue its rapid organic growth coupled with selective, strategic M&A activity. “As a futuristic goal, we envision to be in the forefront of the convergence of cyber, physical and environmental security as it occurs, and also remain committed to become the de-facto standard of performance for the provision of MSS to all our customers,” concludes Idelman.

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Steve Idelman, Co-founder, Chairman & CEO

Provides managed security services and global threat intelligence